Federal Employee = Thief

Most sane individuals would define theft as the forceful taking of what rightfully belongs to someone else.  And most would consider it theft to be the knowing recipient of stolen goods.


For example, if I went into the street, put my .45 to the head of the first individual I saw and took all of their money, one would correctly label me a thief.  And if I turned around and gave half of it to my buddy, and he knew that I had stolen the money, he would also be a thief.


There’s no difference between the above scenario and a federal employee receiving a pay check.




Taxation is the forceful taking of what rightfully belongs to me – specifically, the fruits of MY labor.  Therefore, by definition, taxation is theft.


From where does a federal employee’s income come?  If you guessed taxes, then give yourself a pat on the back.


And what do we call the recipient of stolen goods?  If you answered thief, then give yourself another pat on the back.


If taxation equals theft, or as the great philosopher on liberty Frederick Bastiat called it, “legalized plunder,” and federal employees are the recipient of this “legalized plunder,” then the only logical conclusion that one can reach is that federal employees are indeed thieves.


NOTE:  If you’re a federal employee and you’re offended by this post – GET OVER IT!  Or better yet, quit sucking on the government tit, join the rest of us in the private sector and get a real job.  Otherwise, I’m going to label you what you are:  A THIEF.

Published in: on June 5, 2008 at 1:43 pm  Comments (1)  
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  1. Hmmm…I was a paid intern on Capitol Hill, but I have to agree with your statements. The IRS should be abolished and a flat tax should be assessed to ensure true freedom from taxation.

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